The curriculum
Class Teachers
PTH course
Music Department

The curriculum is the range of opportunities for learning which a school provides. It includes the programme of lessons, the extra-curricular activities promoted by the College, and the climate of relationships, attitudes, styles of behaviour and the general quality of life established in the school community as a whole.

The aim of Wah Yan’s curriculum is to enable students to take their place as balance young adults in the modern world. We seek:

(A) fully to develop in them skills and knowledge and to provide them with the enrichment which will be needed for life in its widest sense.
(B) to inculcate in students enthusiasm, honesty and open-mindedness, respect and consideration for others.
(C) to provide an environment in which students, staff and the Jesuit Fathers can work purposefully and live together harmoniously; and in which each student may find areas of happiness and have the fullest chance to develop whatever talents he possesses.

Although English is the major medium of instruction in the College, our students are encouraged to know and appreciate their own culture and to help them to develop the ability to express themselves both in Chinese and English correctly, clearly and elegantly.

Religious education (R. S./ Ethics) is included in the basic curriculum of the College, and there are also a daily Mass and a weekly Benediction which each student can decide whether he wants to take part or not.