17 Oct 2020 (Sat) 8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Venue: Online
Conference Playback Now Available
17 Oct 2020 (Sat) 8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Venue: Online
The conference playback is now available.
President John J. DeGioia
Fr. Stephen CHOW, S.J. (周守仁神父)
Professor Hui-lin YANG (楊慧林教授)
Fr. Johnny GO, S.J., EdD. (吳彰義神父)
Miss Patricia CHAN (陳嘉詠小姐)
Professor B.L. CHEUNG (張炳良教授)
Dr. Matthew CHU (朱可達博士)
Mr. Kevin C.T. LAU (劉進圖先生)
Miss Sally LAW (羅家慧小姐)
Fr. Thomas LEUNG, S.J. (梁宗溢神父)
Dr. P.Y. LEUNG (梁栢賢醫生)
Dr. Y.L. SO (蘇英麟博士)
12 - 12
Millions around the world have counted themselves as grateful beneficiaries of Jesuit education. Whether they are graduates of Wah Yan or Jesuit schools and universities elsewhere, one can sense, by listening to them proudly recalling their learning experiences, that there are unique attributes common to the education they have received during their formative years.
What are the special features of Jesuit education? How adaptable are the Jesuits to different cultural contexts as demonstrated in their history in China? In what ways can Jesuit education respond to current challenges, including hyper-competition, increasing diversity of views, demands of the modern workplace, a world made ever restless by myriads of stimulations including the internet, and challenges faced by parents in connecting with their children?
The Forum is an invaluable opportunity for educators, parents, alumni, and students to learn from the insights of Jesuit Fathers, prominent academics, experts, professional practitioners and Wahyanites on these intriguing yet important questions.